
Commercial Painting

Commercial Painters in Dallas

Looking for commercial painters in Dallas? TXP Paint provides high quality and professional commercial painting services for both interior and exterior. Our end-to-end or customized commercial painting solutions are designed to give your commercial property a major revamp and create a clean, fresh environment for your staff and clients. Our commercial painters in Dallas are skilled and trained to give you the best painting service experience for your buildings, inside out. We can help select the right colors, textures and color scheme, depending on your property and nature of your business.

We understand that commercial and industrial painting projects are different than the residential projects in many ways. Painting offices and commercial properties requires a lot of planning, coordination and flexibility and only a professional painting company can handle projects of such scale with speed and precision. Painting of commercial buildings calls for an in-depth understanding of what kind of paints, painting techniques and tools to be used to achieve quality, uniformity, durability as well as aesthetics.

Commercial and industrial painting projects also require heavy duty tools and equipment. Our commercial painters in Dallas are highly trained in using all kinds of supplies and equipment such as rollers, pressure washers, sand blasters, industrial primers, scaffolding and sprayers.

Our Commercial Painters in Dallas specialize in

  1. Commercial interior painting
  2. Commercial exterior painting
  3. Industrial painting
  4. Surface preparation
  5. Drywall repair
  6. Coatings for floors and walls
  7. Coating for equipment and pipes
  8. Power washing
  9. Tilt-up painting

We Offer Commercial Painting Services For:

  1. Apartment Complexes
  2. Shopping Malls & Shopping Centers
  3. Stand-alone shops
  4. Offices & High-Rise Buildings
  5. School & Colleges
  6. Hospitals & Clinics
  7. Warehouses Painting
  8. Hotels & restaurants
  9. Gyms and fitness centers

Why Choose TXP Paint for Commercial Painting Services in Dallas?

  1. Experts in using heavy duty painting equipment
  2. Expertise in small-scale & big-scale painting projects
  3. Provides services for a broad range of commercial spaces
  4. Licensed & insured painting contractors
  5. Ethical business practices
  6. Total commitment to safety & quality workmanship

If you are looking for commercial painting contractors in Dallas, we are the best choice. When you hire a professional commercial painter like TXP Paint, you can be assured that the work will be done according to your schedule. Call us at (469)-716-4435 and tell us about your project. Our painting professionals will understand your requirements and give you a free quote.

Reliable painting company in Dallas, Texas

Residential & Commercial Painters

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